Have you by chance seen a movie called “The Company Men” with Ben Affleck? It’s about a group of highly successful men who get dumped by their big corporation and find themselves out of a job. It’s a very rocky road for all of them. In fact, one of the former employees is so depressed he opts to self-distruct rather than go back on the job market at a mature age. In the end (which I hope I’m not spoiling for you) they find the answer is starting a company of their own. Who knew?
What’s Your Bottom Line? It may seem obvious to say you should know what you want when you start the negotiation. You may know what you want in the broad sense, but you need to know what you are prepared to walk away with—and without. What is the bare minimum you are willing to take to reach an agreement? What points are absolute software defined networking untouchable points for you? Think all of these through to come up with your bottom line. Are there points you cannot budge on under any circumstances?
Begin with a bang by inviting more people than you need to fill the group. Each person in the core group should invite at least ten people to the launch party. Make this truly a party atmosphere full of fun and excitement. Plan this meeting well and invite more than one person from each business category. What should result is a competition for the open slots between the invitees. This creates buzz and desire to participate. These newly drafted members will add excitement and enthusiasm to your group. Do this as many times as it takes to fill the group. Don’t be overly ambitious about membership. Most closed groups function best with between six and twenty members.
KISS: Keep it simple, Sally. Keep your mission statement short, sweet and to the point. Recommendations are to stay within 3-4 lines for your mission statement.
Be networking tips images active add to your website daily Facebook updates twitter updates blog. Imagine if you only turned up to your retail storefront one day a month, how successful would your business be? Your website should be treated like a retail store, open it everyday, update things, add things, make it fresh and interesting.
People in social networking groups are there to network socially. They didn’t come to hear about your infoproduct or eBook or podcast or video or software tools or your great new money-making system. They didn’t come to be advertised to, and they resent it.
Are all the satellite broadband providers in California and Texas offering the same goods more or less? After you do some research on the subject, you might not be convinced that one provider is all that different from another. If you see a standard bar being met by more than one provider, it might be time to investigate the other issues. Check on how much time it would take for the providers to get your connection going from first contact, or whose rebates add up to better prices in the end.
And when you finally get there, you will realize that all the places you momentarily got lost or took a wrong turn were very instrumental in helping you reach your final destination! And you will also realize that it was all worth it. Owning your own successful business is very rewarding – personally, emotionally and financially!